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Schizophrenia is a complex mental disorder affecting thinking, emotions, and behavior, characterized by symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking, abnormal motor behavior, negative symptoms, and cognitive impairment.
Published on
December 11, 2023
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Schizophrenia is a complex mental disorder that affects a person's thinking, emotions, and behaviour. It is characterised by a range of symptoms that can significantly impair an individual's daily functioning. Doctors often describe schizophrenia as a type of psychosis. This means the person may not always be able to distinguish their own thoughts and ideas from reality. Schizophrenia affects approximately 24 million people or 1 in 300 people (0.32%) worldwide. (WHO)

Some key features and symptoms of schizophrenia include:

Hallucinations: The most common type of hallucination in schizophrenia is visual and auditory. People with schizophrenia may experience sensory perceptions, hearing voices or seeing things that are not based in reality.

Delusions: These are false beliefs or convictions held by an individual that are resistant to reason or contrary evidence. These beliefs often manifest as persecutory delusions , grandiose delusions, referential delusions, erotomania delusions, and nihilistic delusions. 

Disorganised thinking and speech: This refers to a disruption in an individual's thought processes. People with schizophrenia may have difficulty organizing their thoughts logically and coherently. Their thinking can be disjointed and may lack a clear and linear flow. Disorganised thinking can make it challenging for individuals to communicate effectively and convey their ideas in a coherent manner.

Disorganised or abnormal motor behaviour:  Disorganised or abnormal motor behaviour in schizophrenia involves a range of unusual movements and actions, which can include unresponsiveness, restlessness, unusual facial expressions, and unpredictable behaviours. 

Negative symptoms: The negative symptom consists of five primary components: blunted affect (showing flat expressions or little emotion, alogia (lack of speech), anhedonia (inability to feel pleasure), asociality (lack of desire to form relationships), and avolition (lack of motivation and apathy).

Cognitive impairment: Cognitive deficit symptoms in schizophrenia refer to difficulties in thinking, memory, and problem-solving that can significantly impact an individual's ability to function effectively in daily life.

If you or someone you know is living with schizophrenia, here are steps to consider for managing the condition:

  1. Education: Education provides individuals with schizophrenia a comprehensive understanding of the condition. Education helps individuals recognize the symptoms of schizophrenia, learn about available treatments, and empower them to make informed decisions.

  1. Professional Guidance: Schedule an appointment with a mental health professional, preferably someone who specializes in schizophrenia. Professionals can create personalized treatment plans tailored to the unique needs and symptoms of each individual. 

  1. Therapy and Counseling: Engage in psychotherapy to learn coping strategies and improve your ability to manage symptoms and daily life.Therapy in schizophrenia can play a significant role in managing symptoms, improving overall functioning, and enhancing the individual's well-being.

  1. Support System: Build a strong support network of friends and family who understand your condition and can provide emotional support. A strong support system for schizophrenia not only provides emotional and practical assistance but also fosters a sense of belonging and reduces the isolation that individuals with schizophrenia may experience. 

If an individual has a close relative like a parent or sibling with schizophrenia, their likelihood of developing the disorder is increased. It's important to note that while family history is a significant risk factor, it doesn't guarantee the development of schizophrenia, as the condition likely results from the involvement of multiple factors. With appropriate treatment and support, many individuals with schizophrenia can lead fulfilling and productive lives. Recovery often involves finding the right combination of medical treatment, therapy, and support to manage symptoms and improve daily functioning. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of schizophrenia or has been diagnosed with the condition, it's crucial to seek professional help and support. 

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